Thursday, February 10, 2011

Saying Congratulations On A Engagement

Studio hospital

Before 2007, this office was a place occasional work for the producton of traveaux, calligraphic graphics, props, since Christmas 2006, finished c'esr So I changed it and made the most ergonmique over my case.
So the new Micro-Studios Caspar.
Modest but comfortable enough. I was tired of making smears, if I survive it may come back, but then stop, I am electronically, it may be that I can practice longer.

So I'm good and puzzles with my little animation software, and have a blast. Nothing transcendent exercises. I tape all the manuals and exercises so I'm a real learning as if I were to produce a short film next year .. Haha! I love, and I think it diminishes unpleasant sensations in half. I'm pretty obsessed, when I do something, and concentrated, so a part of my brain disconnects sores. I can stay and dozens of hours like this without being bored for a second. In fact, the more things go wrong, I'm more productive. I do not want to waste a drop of this life.

More importantly, I can scan, print, make my backups I use photographic reproductions of "other" stuff "USB without leaving the bed or having to ask for help. I am not yet totally stuck, I'm moving, but chances are that it coming soon. Then I look and this set-up "I will perhaps do even small things nice and roll while the number ux kilometers. I would, I argue like a snail and I enjoy the passing time.

Software "family" all-affordable 3D
often impressive features and posibilities, it offrenr the functionality of large tools
Mail modelers are, of rendeusr, characters and all is ttrè detailed
Pc there ia a free Merville, worthy of the great names BLENDER, not easy to domter!

Software "family" all-affordable 2D
Under the bear, more playful and Trea ecomomoquq.Ă http://store. / productdetails.aspx? pid = 14287

word from John

What makes me the most pleasure out of your good mind, and happiness
clear that you feel to be alive,
to create again and again, things, perhaps smaller, but
as personal and effective
is to see that you take your syrup in a stemmed glass.
Not only is better than taking your foot
syrup in a glass, but the more we feel the guy
that does not let go, and keeps all his class.
A real joy to those who knew you.
But I admit that I fantasize about the syrup in question.
I enjoyed seeing a little closer,
or better, to breathe in small steps.
difficult, according to the picture of a prognosis dare ...
I hesitate between a Gevrey-Chambertin and a prescription
parapharmaceutical Chinon,
which may explain its relative transparency.
Unless you do'm prescribed a Pinot Noir from soil
clayey limestones of your homeland.
short, I know a little more ...
I kiss you,


The word of S.
In your last transmission: Surprise! a photograph. I'll send one too. That way it will be easy to recognize in the spring. If you could not find Insomnia ... I could not open my computer ... We have made whims. Surprise again, a photo of Pauline Julien followed my words! Thank you Denis.

The next day I received my bed ... CLSC. In fifteen minutes, my room was disfigured. Shock. What atmosphere between the two. My dog sulks, he even look sick. They are our sensitive little creatures. Fortunately, it also has a good workout for acceptance. I gives us a few days to tame the new object. And here I can not believe it: a few days later, during one of my daily visits to your blog, that Is what I see? Your studio. And what have I planned for the weekend issue of integrating my new bed for my life? The transformation of my room-room studio! That way, I shall have all my tools with me and sitting comfortably, I will use my time to the maximum. What can I add, except that we have much in common?


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