Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Window Trim A Lot Or A Little Which Is Better

Zoe ... my third week (11 to 17-05-09)

Hello everyone,

By early this week I took Mom et papa (oui...papa était censé être au travail mais il a quelques petits problèmes de santé, il y a son ulcère qui lui rend une nouvelle visite...il est ravi) . Papa est tout de même retourné travailler jeudi et vendredi...c'est qu'il a du boulot avec sa classe et qu'il faut bien avancer !!

Sinon, avec maman on a eu la visite jeudi d'une infirmière puéricultrice de la PMI de notre quartier. Maman en a profité pour discuter avec elle et
avoir son avis quant à mes tétées...surtout celles du soir.
En effet, le soir est une période délicate dans ma journée...autant je suis cool, sympa, marmotte, rigolote, Chewable day ... so I'm morfale, leech, crybaby night.
I did not really let go of my mother, always in search of her breast and weeping as she tried to sleep. Mom never watched as late (2-3 o'clock in the morning) and made as much sleeping in (closed noon) ... of course, all of which are still nursing a broken around 6 am and another at 9am!

Friday, Stephanie (a friend of Daddy) arrived for the weekend. We went for a walk in Strasbourg, where she has robbed them my
gasins Alsatian specialties (pretzel kougelhopf ,...) is a greedy ... I feel we will get along later! She found our rhythm but I do not know why she wanted to Mom and Dad quickly find real nights .... it should be noted that it is a little groundhog.
short, we spent a good weekend and we are waiting impatiently to meet again in July

I also had a visit from Marie Aude (a friend of mom) Saturday afternoon ... she brought me some nice gifts including a pair of sunglasses too early ... I already took the pose with, even if they are too big!

Mom and MA have much opportunity to chat ... talk ... talk ... talk ... when we walked into town ... they are right for me any way I his dad was asleep and he spoke with Steph!

Next week I have an appointment with the pediatrician and the osteopath before my first marriage and the arrival of Grandma Edith!

you next week ...


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