Our seducer the lack refuses at first, ethics dictating not break the unhappy couples to free women from the shackles of marriage and husbands miserable. Apparently only women suffer from bad marriages is good to know. Now it turns out that Vanessa Paradis saw the great love with a foppish very significant. Duris nevertheless ends up accepting the large check signed by the father of Vanessa Paradis for breaking the idyllic couple of the young woman because he needs the money over a silly side story of gangsters who serves macguffin ultra stinky to this sad comedy . So the whole scenario will be to make us follow the adventures of Romain Duris, up to his neck in his mission to fuck the shit in a couple of dreams that did not ask. That said we feel that Paradise is not completely happy in this household. Throughout the film we guess believed that her husband is actually a fine motherfucker, a type ladle, a wound. Well actually no, it's just too perfect, too slick, too much in love, whatever ... Paradise and will eventually leave everything behind to catch snags disordered Duris between his own teeth of adversity, even though it has cheated throughout the film, even if all the air of a true moron, history of fun in life with a marsupial hysterical. Another film that gives the face a disastrous image of the husband and which, unwittingly, is therefore a vitriolic portrait the figure of the woman. Besides the other chick's movie is the friend of Heaven, played by Helena Noguerra, subscribes to all the eternal roles of streaks of French cinema, which embodies all hands a bitch volunteer whose obsession is to be put by any passing male to be around her. It remains silent.
Still it is this moron of Noguerra resulting in the only scene just funny about the film. Duris raking complete information that is on Paradise to try to put it to use history to seduce her: she loves George Michael shamefully, it gets off course Dirty Dancing and she has no feeling in his left shoulder from a crash skate . So during a meal at the restaurant where he hesitates on the menu between the donkey (Paradise) and pig (Noguerra), Duris purposely spill hot soup on a gam that was previously protected then rant he did not feel anything because he has no feeling in that leg from a fall while skating, what Paradise is quick to reply: "Yikes coincidence of Guedin! It just so happens that I myself shoulder to white since I'm Galtee with a two-wheeled skateboard. Trivias, correspondence, reconciliation, love at first sight. Noguerra But who decided to intervene in this dialogue, then asks Duris: "If I plant a knife into the ham you feel Queudes?". Duris nods and one guinea fowl will then plant 5cm fork in the wrong leg. Duris screams of pain by addressing bitch. Noguerra Immediately repeat the experiment in the right leg. Normal. What's more normal than to disengage the box to someone who claims to have lost its sensitivity. I like that idea. Necessarily if someone told me he had lost feeling in his arm I'll hasten to cut her to see. So nice scene. But the rest ...
We never tired to do this comedy from beyond the grave. The tragedy is that they have met François Damiens and the ignoble Julie Ferrier, a duet "comical" for that, duo fell in the water as it is not allowed. As for the romance aspect of the brothel ... How not to want to puke before the jokes Romain "Jigsaw Puzzle" Duris old woman to seduce this hideous sickly, pale and anorexic what Vanessa "Far From Heaven" Heaven? You should see the type Duris interpret classical music fan who goes to concerts and spend an hour and a half listening to a piano piece by mimicking very seriously all pianist's gestures in the air, almost slapping his seatmate when notes leave in the bass or treble response. You must see this. But to watch it at this dramatic genius, this crap comedy, he must also endure the worst couple of French films trying to imitate - and oh so clumsily - the final dance scene from Dirty Dancing in a romantic comedy hopes to draw on the worst American movies and to do this quote and pump directly and painfully funny classics from across the Atlantic. What a sight ... A trivia
tetanizing: This film brings together a couple of saw teeth! The two French actors in the worst dentures. We present a record of rotten teeth on film. 32 snags for Duris, 31 months ratounes Paradis (one is missing in the middle, which is conspicuous by its absence), which makes a total of 63 caries unfolded on the big screen. The combined record of Predator and Ron Perlman are beaten.
tetanizing: This film brings together a couple of saw teeth! The two French actors in the worst dentures. We present a record of rotten teeth on film. 32 snags for Duris, 31 months ratounes Paradis (one is missing in the middle, which is conspicuous by its absence), which makes a total of 63 caries unfolded on the big screen. The combined record of Predator and Ron Perlman are beaten.
The Heartbreaker Chaumeil with Romain Pascal Duris, Vanessa Paradis, Francois Damiens, Helena Noguerra and Julie Ferrier (2010)
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