child I was naive. Like all children, but perhaps a little more than average. When I said "Go and see there if I am" in general I went running. In short I was a bit dumb and I think I stayed. At home, before the era of DVDs, we had a bunch of VHS which much that it was unwise to touch. Among these untouchables: The Birds, The Time of the Gypsies, Dad was away on business, Black Cat White Cat, Underground and Arizona Dream. Kusturica's so pretty. My father's dictum is: "Know your enemy to better fight it." Outside of his hatred for gypsies was a doting father and a man of taste. But as I have not mentioned because it was the primus inter pares
, the only tape condemned because he had withdrawn his tongue was another film of the gypsies, Top Gun, Tony Gatlif. VHS was like new, locked by a label that stretched the film's title written a treatment that could come from any of my parents nor any of my brothers. I was naive. I thought that Top Gun was a good movie, it should be respected, a monument to the 7th art that I was probably too young to appreciate and that I allowed myself the time to understand. Did not count on my sister, a teenager known at the time who, like his peers and his mother catch the bamboo before Thomas Cruise Mapother IV called his real name. I have been slow to make the connection. But today how angry my sister? How to remain indifferent to this guy who has typed Cruz and Kidman? Respect.
After seeing this film I wanted to be a fighter pilot but I had to draw a line under my hopes when I was reminded that I was blind, it would put me in danger, and more damaging a beautiful device that is expensive. I remain appreciative of the eternal teen idol
, the last samurai, and I'm not surprised that it organized a casting call to find planetary godasse his splayfooted. We do not all blessed with a smile
Allbright makes pitch all
thongs the world. Mini titrologie: This title is part of this very broad class of securities that have no sense but sound like an obvious and slamming to the ear so they do not question them, such as Ben-Hur, Planet of the Apes, Bonnie & Clyde and Bill Bill.
Top Gun Tony Scott Tom Cruise (1985)
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