Our two heroes are incarnated by the inevitable Denzel Washington, who must maintain the same relationship with Tony Russell Crowe with his brother Ridley, and Chris Pine from Kellogg's. The first, the handsome Denzel, is found again in the skin of very ordinary type, having risen on the wrong foot, but sentenced him to behave like a hero. He delivers his usual performance, totally free-wheeling, like the train, light metallic star of this film. Denzel is joined by Chris Pine, a blond, insipidus in pussy porn actor name that could easily be confused with Paul Walker (including the fop without relief seen driving a Twingo in the company of Vin Diesel in Fast & Furious ) and perhaps also with thousands of other American actors to square the face covered with stubble, and clear blue eyes, inevitably that appeal to babes penniless or common sense. Because it is damn musty with its unique facial expression hunk of hard discount supermarket:

Both actors do not form a duo endearing nor original, even if we admit once or twice, Denzel Washington still manages to make us get a little smile. Especially when he told Chris Pine "I do not know asshole, I was in college!" when the latter asked him if he knows how to stop this train going at full speed on the poor and innocent if he remembers what it was Viet Nam. As in all these films, initially, the two men despise nicely, the young do better in showing that the condescension toward the old railroad tired, old realizing he was again faced with a psycho fan of him wanting speed enjoy the reputation of being a railroad to "get the chicks." Can these two opposing characters are brought to know themselves better and eventually appreciate. In short, again, Tony Scott in Deja-vu. Unstoppable sinking into mediocrity when he tries to portray the lives of these two main characters. One is angry with his wife, the other has already lost and is at odds with his two daughters ... Unfortunately, it's so bad that Royal does not care! In addition, Unstoppable boasts inspired by real events. Indeed, it would seem that a company U.S. railway is at least as gifted as our beloved station and it has actually been able to lose control of a train ultra hazardous, accident you will find all the details on Wikipedia . But given the treatment that is Tony Scott, it seems completely surreal and silly to see the small inset shows the beginning of the movie, and we believe not for a second time at the end, just a few lines to inform us of what have become the different protagonists ( "Franck has entertained his loneliness by collecting a dog on a train platform, Will left his wife and discovered a suspicious attraction for men well hung, our two heroes are still friends and will occasionally share a beer as he recalls their various adventures "). Meanwhile, there were so many explosions, and two men who behaved in such a way as heroes so smart and clever, that you will not believe at all ...
With his big pitch dead wood mass, Unstoppable is a pretty bad action movie, ruined by a director without any further inspiration tics staging of parkinsonism, we strangely tiring to constantly turn his camera around his players to try in vain to inject some semblance of intensity. It also allows users to repeat the same some shots of the train through the countryside, complete with visual effects very ugly. By watching all this with one eye, I thought that Tony Scott had this way with no talent try to hide under a veil amazing thinness of its budget. But I had it all wrong. The film cost 100 million dollars!
Indeed, looking only gave me Unstoppable want to tell you wrong, what I have to do so, and above all remember how that movie can not hold a candle to Runaway Train , another feature film, starring a driverless train going at full speed, and I think you have already spoken ...
Unstoppable Tony Scott with Denzel Washington, Chris Pine and Rosario Dawson (2010)
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