As the title indicates, Samuel L. Jackson, assisted by Carrie-Ann Moses, is going to commit the unthinkable to cause a terrorist determined to reveal nothing (when Jackson delivered the title is perhaps the only thing a bit funny movie). Unthinkable appears as a sort of compilation of all the worst moments of the series 24, all these scenes at the dubious moral and politically incorrect that participated in building the reputation mid-fig and grape in this series, where our good Jack Bauer employs harshest methods to cause its enemies. Samuel L. Jackson still trying to innovate, which gives rise to passages crazy.
After trying the classic "I'll put the 199 watt lamp in the mouth" without success, Sam Jackson has fun at first to hang battery clamps on each testicle of the terrorist to make him talk. In itself this move is already very painful, and terror does not fail to scream. But L. Jackson goes further in the sadistic by plugging the other end of the battery clips to his car, which then accelerates and climbs into neutral and the handbrake held firmly who vied to scream louder than ever terrorist terrorized. At this point we wonder which one is the craziest! Madness! Especially in a morbid detail, Samuel L. Jackson tries to sing "Twinkle, Moon" to the terrorist by modulating its pressure on the accelerator pedal.

In a terrible moment, Samuel "Lois & Clark" Jackson takes up the terrorist and his ankle is cracking a circular blow dry. Subsequent to that, he is forced to play with him at some indoor football frenzied, against his own cousin, who takes very seriously ces confrontations. Le front encore suant et histoire de l'achever en lui faisant ce qu'on appelle un "coup du lapin", Samuel L. Jackson invite Tarsem dans le cadre d'une journée d'étude consacrée à son propre cinéma et dont le terroriste est l'unique spectateur. La conférence se termine par la description, trois heures durant, du prochain film de Tarsem qu'il n'a pas encore mis en boîte, mêlant des éléments de The Fall et de The Cell . Tarsem finit sa conférence par un forum-débat sur la question qui le taraude en ce moment : comment nommer ce film hybride, hésitant entre The Fell ou The Call. A ce moment-là, le terroriste n'en peut plus et donne la localisation Geographical three bombs (Paris and Tours in Texas, and Montpellier, Vermont) and the date of its first masturbation "effective" in front of Samuel "Lou Reed" Jackson did not ask for much.

At the end, I storyline spoil here without any qualms, we learn that there was not paralyzed three bombs, but four (in Paris Arkansas). Is the twist of the film I just fanned. I make you win half past one, take it as a service. We guess this last bomb explode in the end credits, which is one of the darkest history film. In short, a film that leaves a strange feeling!
Unthinkable Gregor Jordan with Samuel L. Jackson and Carrie-Anne Moss (2010)
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