Hello everyone,
I'm back finally on the blog ... waiting was not too long I hope?
So what has it really happened during those two weeks?
First, Dad went to work every day (hence the lack of it) and fastened his end of school year (newsletters, association Grande Section maternal / CP ...) and now enjoys his vacation ... long live the paternity leave!
From my side, I had two very busy week ...
I took the train to join with Mom and Dad Sélestat visit our new apartment ... cool, we now has a garden where I'll be able to roam, eating raspberries and many other things!
The weekend is an opportunity for me to discover the region and its surroundings.
We started in the Vosges, where I stayed in a cottage and make trips into the mountains (in a sling and without crying!) detours ... especially because I think it 's is a bit lost!
We also visited the countryside in the middle of nowhere in the vicinity of Nancy to visit Chris & Lydia ... they were flat, super nice and quiet!
I actually slept like a baby and was super nice, sweet and chewable these two weekends.
My visit to the pediatrician confirmed to Mom & Dad that I was in great shape, I shoot well (6cm & 1 kg in 2 months). Next week I see him for vaccines ... it immediately so funny!
Now, I even allowed to go to dinner with Mom & Dad, I remain calm in my car and I also have the right to eat with everyone when it is the time for my snack!
not forget all the appointments and trips that I do ... I even make a trip abroad (Allemagne!!) .
you next week ...

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