This blog presents the philosophy as a path of awakening to our true nature. Philosophy is not just a speech but a process of transformation and self-knowledge.
"The answer is at the heart of the matter you ask. Do not try to get an answer from anyone questioning. Do not expect to get what does not belong to you. What makes you ask the question proves that the answer is in you. The treasure you covet n is not outside, it's in you. "
Author of the famous Essays on Zen Buddhism , Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966) is the master who introduced Zen to the West. He was in contact with leading Western thinkers, such as CG Jung. This collection brings together articles - including a spiritual autobiography - he wrote in the last decade of his life. His spiritual intuition attains a high degree of intensity, simplicity and poetry. He compares the particular Meister Eckhart's Mystical Zen, analysis of the act creating the world as a set of questions and answers in God's own diagnostic or discomfort in civilization as due to hypertrophy of the intellect. These items are true "seed of enlightenment" called to germinate in the mind of the reader.