Saturday, December 25, 2010

Boston Butt Ig Green Egg

A new book by Suzuki has just been published in French.

This blog presents the philosophy as a path of awakening to our true nature. Philosophy is not just a speech but a process of transformation and self-knowledge.

"The answer is at the heart of the matter you ask. Do not try to get an answer from anyone questioning. Do not expect to get what does not belong to you. What makes you ask the question proves that the answer is in you. The treasure you covet n is not outside, it's in you. "

Author of the famous Essays on Zen Buddhism , Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966) is the master who introduced Zen to the West. He was in contact with leading Western thinkers, such as CG Jung. This collection brings together articles - including a spiritual autobiography - he wrote in the last decade of his life. His spiritual intuition attains a high degree of intensity, simplicity and poetry. He compares the particular Meister Eckhart's Mystical Zen, analysis of the act creating the world as a set of questions and answers in God's own diagnostic or discomfort in civilization as due to hypertrophy of the intellect. These items are true "seed of enlightenment" called to germinate in the mind of the reader.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Episode Of Dragonball Z Where Vegeta Loves Bulma

Dear Denis,
I love this picture of cool wind and light wine that I carry to you.
And how nice that you write on the heart that reflects my image.
Do not worry: I do not read your history as an outstanding, I just read you as I would read another blog. What are the chances
of life.
is true that I met you at a time when I was looking for how we could get out of this damn disease.
But I mostly met a man with his own history and his talent for living.
And you know, there's people who are leaving us suddenly, when everything was fine. I read a guy like that, a Parisian psychiatrist who had settled in a place I knew well and where I lived, Tarn et Garonne, a guy who had a blog, Ciscoblog. He wrote poems, told his life was wonderful pictures. And then one morning, going to work, he sprawled in the car, upside down in a river. He did not identify. Still, I go back to his world.
Me, you, behind the guy who fights against the crab, I see the man, the artist, the painter. I love your paintings. They talk.

You say you live out this period. This is essential.
Sometimes the disease disappears ... leaving room for the man ...

You know that part of France looks like Montreal, and your picture in the snow. Except that we
small and (damn) French, we do not know what to do. You let yourself quickly overwhelmed by the mantle white, then this is the general mess, train stations, airports, roads ...
Here in the Camargue, it is not snowing yet.
But we had a lot of rain. It's unusual for Christmas.
Say that at this moment, I have the children. I'm not too bad.
I often think of Peter . He gave me strength, I think.
It is always there to dictate to me words, tell me that we should not drop the case.
Men do not really die you know.
The men we loved ...

Well, I kiss you and all yours.
Have a great holiday season.
See our shepherd.

Monday, December 20, 2010

What To Write In Your Best Friends Wedding Card

That one, I savored ... My cancer

Four years
after the end of the world ....

December 22, 2006

Carcinomus Hello Doctor:
"Sit back Mr Caspar ...."

"Mr Caspar, no luck, I tell you that you
lung cancer, it is well advanced and completely inoperable."
confess that for me it simply meant that we could do nothing for me and that he did not say another word, Carnimomus dr.
Apart ....
"Excuse me, but I do not have much time today,
we go on vacation Christmas, and you're my last customer
I have forwarded your case to the hospital.
They will contact you after the holidays for further investigations.
I wish you a merry Christmas
Goodbye and good luck

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Walk Through Walls Cheat Com

on vacation .... Christmas

But it does not prevent you from writing me!
For large, the stupid and the others
a tragic version of Father Christmas is a Junk.

And we forget about it until mid January

Best holiday possible to all crabs
is the time to be pampered


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Manual For My Reebok Heart

The mountaineer and crabbing

The right use of the net
in the fight against Crab lung

Fortunately I do not expect it snows in Paris to think of you!
I told you, I'm going to your blog every day, and I am glad to see in the comments that I'm not alone.
I hallucinate, to read you, but I try not to take fire.
Not to put myself to believe it you just have to sneeze to expel the beast in limbo.
But hey, it's wonderful to hear that you live more simply.
Let your general condition improves. What is your tone
started to rise, slowly but surely.
Whether you're left to become a hero of the fight against the crab, that a blast too. With your little
net, woven with love by the nimble fingers of your wife, and all that ...
If I were a Canadian media, I would open the floodgates outright. A
donf in thrills!

Do thyself no illusions it's going to be grumpy ...
fishermen unlucky crustaceans that flourish will annoy your health.
Do not think that all the new ones will make it soft.
Who will draw from the river of hope.
So, let it flow!
I embrace and kiss thine, And first
yours, priority

There's nothing to add ... Ahhh, if

RL, 89.4 FM

Artracaille, the blog:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Old Is Tawnee Stone Wikipedia


Thank you for your correspondence. As I go to your blog every day (yes) I'm delighted to have new, more personal.
And the forest fire in all this, will you tell me, what's the connection? Well here it is: last night in bed before falling asleep, an idea came to me.
Your Cancer is like a forest fire. He started without anybody noticing. Then as the fire, he fed you to grow, propagate, making
havoc. There are lands burned, burned in you is a fact.
firefighters Denis Caspar called chemo, radiation, etc ... They left thinking that the whole forest was burning, they are powerless, it is nature, it is stronger than knowledge. ..
But I have a subtle feeling that the fire begins to extinguish itself. No real explanation or logic, the last embers go out. Your body certainly has some very damaged parcels, but another part of your body is healthy and it is on that party must wager.
Building, sow, create, on this part of healthy body that could allow (a bet a little crazy) to start slowly, gently, quietly revived.
That basically the frame of my thoughts.
I nfirmier oncology

What intuition attractive, beautiful image postive, it's tempting to throw himself fully. Observed, precipitating nothing ...

Your dream last night in bed before going to sleep as crazy it is, is a metaphor for a desirable well advanced cancer like mine. No one has anything concrete to offer, apart from a slow descent into the tomb. In addition, for me, you're a truly credible interlocutor and I know that your intuition is not the result of a stealthy idea, but regular monitoring of the information I have provided the blog other correspondence about the disease, and the results of your search for a permanent solution. It touches me very much, dear friend.
You see, ever during those four years, I have asked anyone, put forward, never begged, refused all false hopes. I tried to live as possible in harmony as good neighbors with the intruder. I let the doctors carry out their medicines, with their attendant complex therapies and disagreeable, burning rays, then allowed to nature with the help of palliative care.
Since then, many details are consistent with a decrease in the intensity of the flames of which you speak. Many people have commented on my physical appearance, on my own good mine.Moi, I noticed that I was much more agile than before, as I walked with a more decided I had more endurance and I also noticed that I forgot the disease for quite long time, as if it bothered me less.
The pain is still present but well controlled, Witness the fire is still smoldering.
Let time do his work.

blog about it and would not exist without this little encounter with Tibetan history, you've probably read. It really motivated me.

"In Buddhism Tibetan, like the great masters of the past we always knew,
compassion is the source of all healing.
Suppose you have a disease like cancer or AIDS. If, in addition to your own pain, and mind filled with compassion, you take it upon yourself the suffering of those who share the same fate, you definitely can purify the negative karma of the past, due to the continuation of your suffering in the present and future.
"I remember hearing about Tibet many cases extraordinary people who, having learned that they were suffering from an incurable disease, abandoning all their belongings and left the cemetery to die. There they devoted themselves to this practice of taking upon himself the suffering of others. And what is remarkable is that instead of dying, they returned home fully healed. "
Sogyal Rinpoche - The Tibetan Book of life and death.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Elegant Center Piecess

Zoe ... Zoe ...

Hello Friends!

news with a few flakes of Alsace ... This week I discovered the joys of snow and I took the opportunity to make my first skiing (luckily the cushioning layer!)
the top my one and a half, I'm quite a bitch ... Always so curious, I want to see everything, touch, taste everything .... especially the chocolates advent calendar! Just standing at 7am, before I post it by repeating "Tota" Tota "(chocolate), until my little hands reach
the precious, even be balanced on a chair ... Mom was forced to remove chocolates next few days, and put them in as and when.
I also found an ally with whom to shock the 400 blows c hez Auntie: "Poti" (Hippolytus), I do not leave without having made 10 kisses! Well, sometimes I annoy too, must not exaggerate ... I gossiped more and more (a girl, what!), Even if Mom and Dad do not always understand me ... But my little mischievous look is sometimes enough to make me understand ...
Tomorrow is Saint-Nicolas I hope to meet the old gentleman in the streets because of Selestat .... yes yes ... I am always very wise!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Where To Buy Shoe String Licorice

Our bansuri flute is gone!

few months ago, aus summer sun, Catherine Potter, a glass of wine in hand, smiling, showing us her new cute little shoes. longtime friend, we celebrated, shared, discussed and passed much time together. It will no longer take place at the table, no longer hear his voice, nor the magical sound of his flute bansuri. Catherine is one of the first people I learned my cancer, there four years. It was very close, we talked a lot and she often assisted, followed by treatment. Two months ago, she said: "I will go before you" I could not believe it.

Click image and see Catherine Potter Duniya Project at Theatre Outremont

virtuoso classical music India, the flute was the instrument of its most profound, where his life took everything sounds meaning. Result of thousands of hours of work, maturitéde his art and the vibration of the flute gave an overview of credible cosmic space. As the oscillations of these sounds wonderful, life is not a linear sequence of events, without breaking continuity.
Without true origin and without end locatable, the world oscillates between the decline and rebirth. The succession is not mechanical, but metaphysics.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Anniversary Tree Poem

Open letter to media Dr. Normand Blais

This little video, combining a piece of the album Tutu , Miles Davis, and a set of graphics programs, is especially dedicated to my lovely hemato-oncologist, Dr. Normand Blais, executive
service of Hemato-Oncology Chum Notre-Dame in Montreal.
a tribute to Norman, and (Bad) memories of the research protocol
Pfizer Canada, which literally made me take out the eyes of the head.
Dr. Blais is the first doctor has me allowed in this service, it is not forgotten. Several weeks after having sent this video via email, I heard through the loudspeaker in the waiting room
service voice calling me: "Caspar Miles , cab 15, Miles Caspar . I had a three-second hesitation.
Whoever was the first to welcome me as one who will tell me the last to say:
"For treatments, it's been too much damage, you're d agree that we stop this? "
Yes, thank you, Dr. Blais
Electra - Perfect Days

Normand Blais, with Dr. Mary Florescu, followed me hang over three years. I am extremely grateful for the patience and perseverance, for all humanity, empathy, humor that have shown to me.
It to them, and treatments targeted therapies Sutent and Tarceva they offered me I must be still alive today is absolutely certain.
I feel concerned by this open letter for these reasons but also because I am one of those privileged witnesses, sick privileged few who could live and not survive
with these high-tech drugs.

Open letter to media from D Dr. Normand Blais

Dr Blais Following Items Patrick Lagacé ; on Cancer (La Presse), D r Normand Blais, hematologist oncologist at CHUM Hôpital Notre-Dame, has complained in an open letter media, the immobility of the Council of drugs in the acceptance of new molecules to treat cancer. Read here the full letter sent to the media ...

Many of you have recently read in the pages of this newspaper's excellent series of articles on cancer signed by Patrick Lagacé. Besides being a touching humanity, these articles have also lifted the veil on issues such as disruption of cancer care in Quebec, the inequalities of the system and the system of drug coverage. As a medical oncologist who has his practice here in Quebec, I would seize the opportunity offered by this series on cancer to highlight other taboos surrounding cancer. Lung cancer, which affects a significant number of my patients, is the deadliest form of the disease and is the leading cause of cancer death in Quebec. Paradoxically, the fact is that very little mention when talking about cancer. One of the main reasons for this state of affairs is that people associate lung cancer with the consumption of tobacco products. However, smoking is not the only element in question: the secondary or tertiary smoke, radon exposure to asbestos are all factors associated with the development of lung cancer. Moreover, it is now recognized that almost a quarter of lung cancers are smoking related, requiring a refinement in the evaluation and specific treatments. But the stigma associated with smoking contributes to people with lung cancer victims who have somehow "chosen their fate."
Many support groups have a better visibility of certain types of cancers. One need only think of breast or prostate, for example. Mobilization of patients achieved and the community has helped educate a large proportion of the population to the human value of medical interventions to improve patient survival and patient suffering and improve their quality of life. The positive side of breast and prostate cancer prognosis is less severe than lung cancer, allowing many "survivors" and "survivors" to defend the rights and support of associations of patients. The harsh reality is that lung cancer makes this disease very ill with little warning period and the prognosis of the disease is severe. Very few survivors are able to participate in associations support and defend the value of new therapies specific to lung cancer.
In this regard, an example is needed: access to new drugs has become in just a few years a major issue which in turn affects the quality of care at home. In the recent past, Quebec was one of the provinces that differed in terms of access to new medicines. Since late 2005, our status is far less rosy. By considering the only cancer drug, the situation is even worse: the entity responsible for approving the reimbursement of drugs - the Council of the drug - now almost routinely refuses requests for new treatments in oncology. Unlike many other provinces in Canada where decisions on funding of drugs against cancer are taken by an agency to fight against cancer involving several members involved in the treatment of patients, no Board member has training and active practice in oncology. Clearly it is difficult to recognize the therapeutic value of a drug only prolongs survival than "few months" when the patient is not facing you. Do not forget that these drugs work very differently from one individual to another so that some patients do not benefit, but only against other patients benefit long. Articles by Lagacé showed many examples in this regard.
In my daily life, this to me raises serious ethical problems: we know there are more drugs effective and easier to tolerate for patients, but we can use them. Do we hide this fact to the patient or rather explain that another drug is more effective, but in Quebec, we can not prescribe it? While we doctors think about ethics, our patients have to fight the disease under conditions that are far from optimal. If life has a price in Quebec, let them say so openly and publicly. Otherwise, we must review the current system of access to new medicines because it no longer meets the needs of those who suffer. Also disturbing they are, it is essential to discuss these issues and discussing them publicly. The solutions are certainly not simple decisions may be heartbreaking. But this is the necessary path for improving our ways, and ultimately provide better care to Quebecers living with cancer. When treating patients with lung cancer and that they are not able to defend themselves publicly, to be their spokespersons?
Normand Blais, MD, MSc, FRCPC
hematologist and medical oncologist
Clinical Associate Professor - University of Montreal

Director, Interdisciplinary Thoracic Oncology team CHUM - Hôpital Notre-Dame

Normand Blais
Hematologist and medical oncologist, director of the interdisciplinary team of Thoracic Oncology, Laboratory Director of hemostasis-thrombosis CHUM Hospital Notre-Dame.
His entry in the Faculty of Medicine is a chance of life. Normand Blais is the son of a farmer. , Almost no long studies in the family. He never felt the family pressure regarding its future. He himself never thought he had the qualifications to become specialist. "I do not intend at all to a career in medicine. I do not think being smart enough to practice this profession, I never thought of otherwise. I was passionate about science, yes, but I turned instead to a career in engineering. "After college, people crossed his path and made him understand that he had everything to succeed in medicine. On a whim, he filled out the registration form the Faculty of Medicine. "My application was accepted. A month after I started my training, I knew I belonged and that I am passionate about medicine and the human being. "
He was the doctor of Little Richard and he became friends with him. It is on a personal basis that Dr. Blais has participated in lip dub Richard Petit. It was an interesting idea, in addition to wanting to get involved with the Company Leukemia & Lymphoma Canada. On a personal level, Norman has become the challenges it makes getting involved in this company. He said yes to virtually anything that can help the hospital or the Leukemia and Lymphoma Canada.
It runs 60 kilometers a week. Currently, he trains for the New York Marathon, which takes place on November 7. In this marathon, he runs to raise money for the hospital-CHUM.
On a piece of the trio guitarist Al di Meola, Johm McLaughlin and Paco di Lucia, the slow evolution of a collage of colored tissue paper, colored and decorated with lacquer made during the research protocol of Pfizer, Sutent + pemetrexed for lung cancer nitrate . This video is also dedicated to Dr. Normand Blais, hematologist-oncologist of Chum Notre Dame in Montreal, which made me suffer a lot with cursed Sutent, which will eventually successful

Sutent + Pemetrexed
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André Pratte

André Pratte and his team share with visitors about current issues.

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Patrick Lagacé
I know, everyone is afraid of cancer!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How To Make A Dress Pattern

mourn is not appropriate ...

The woman reader of the blog tells me his story:
disease and we took everything we had already proven so ...
Last spring, his mother is diagnosed: lung cancer with vena cava syndrome. Little hope left by doctors, but for her, so far, the chemistry works. Not a recession, but it feels better, she is active again, doing things she loves ...
But at the end of winter, his father was diagnosed with a tumor trachea, and despite a tracheotomy, he died in March.
His mother, obviously afraid of offending.
In May 2010, is his companion with whom she has two young children, which is touché.Grosse tumor in the abdomen. Diagnosis: adenocarcinoma with metastases.
A tidal wave!
How have hope?
Do not be "tying knots in the brain" .....
Do not sink into depression ......

Hello C

My readers are often relatives of people with lung cancer. I am pleased to say that this can give hope and courage sometimes. I must confess tail 've never had a match too heavy, a series of misfortunes in chain as intense. I feel lost to the tragedy that you are describing and I confess I have no idea how réagir.Seul a professional, a psychologist might help you find the resources within you to deal with such tsunami events.
Your kids are they already know about the illness of their father? and its severity?
The doctors have mentioned the Tarceva? This drug, taken orally, far from being a panacea, no cure for cancer, but the advantage in some cases seriously delay the progress of metastatic tumors and for a longer or shorter. Unfortunately, everyone does not support it because of its side effects.
I took Tarceva as a last resort, in January 2009 and for fourteen months. Last May, the doctors stopped the treatment on the grounds that I did more harm than good. Subsequently, I still had two radiotherapy, more for the pain to heal. And since then, no further treatment, just pain control. I do not scan over an image catastrophic disappointment, I prefer not to know and imagine stability. And for now, nothing special seems to evolve. largely attribute this stability to Tarceva.
But I am not a doctor, just a patient who feels completely powerless against the magnitude of the tragedy of what you are experiencing now.
Depression watching you, and you can not leave your children also become victims chain of these woes. This is why you need to find a trusted third party can hear you and channel your energy towards safeguarding and protection for them, and your mom is better. They may guess your only lifeline, because their way of adapting and accepting what happens to them must be for us an example and a link to protect fragile. Your depression would probably still much more damage.
That, C., Can I answer your mail. I feel totally helpless about it all, I am sorry for not being able to do anything other than to meditate for you, and listen to you if you feel the need. Feel free to contact me again if you think it can advance if you need to scream, cry. Speaking ... It is unfortunately everything in my power
I am aware that this is completely ridiculous, but we must try to save what can be.
In thought and prayers are with you, we are unable to feel any such amount of fear, anguish and sadness that surrounds you right now

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bed Skirts For Sliegh Beds


This year there is water everywhere, but in shorts or pants as well enjoy it for surfing the waves Crafts!
A good Christmas to all and see you soon on the markets!

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Deposit Parentis

Hello! The Lectern
Magic welcomes us into his world of magic! We are particularly delighted that we will be exposed in our country, some silver pendants and rings are available in this place!

Friday, November 26, 2010

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The duration of initial treatment

My mother had a large treatment this week, a little next week and then they will remove the PICC line and give 3 months without treatment to rest his body. Do you find this normal? Course in early January, she will have a scan but it remains that my brother and I are sad that she has three months without treatment. For, what we as news, it responds well to treatment. The disease stabilizes.
My answer is: YES, I find it quite normal. I do not know how cycles it has received so far, but I can confirm. Do not forget that the products it receives, it's not Tylenol, these are powerful poisons that can do irreversible damage. The body of your mother needs to rest, recuperate and I remain confident in the professionals who know when the body reaches its limits.
During my first round of chemo, I was to receive 8 cycles. My oncologist decided to stop at 6 cycles, which corresponds exactly to 2x 6 weeks. Three months! I too was surprised and disappointed, and worried, but my oncologist, explained well the dangers of continuing, even if the treatment worked. The decision ultimately lasted nine months, in part, without rérmission other chemo for my greatest happiness, until one day the little dragon has decided to move, grow, and there we went to another treatment, then a another, then another .... always different molecules. You can not reuse a drug that worked, because cells that have become resistant to reproduce the information in this resistance in their DNA. The drugs injected
can do damage severe and irreversible liver, kidney, thyroid, and neuropathies may be irreversible selont chemotherapy used. The aggressive treatment is most often the result of the demands of relatives, family members, more than doctors themselves. Each to his own, everyone's knowledge. I think the doctor who treats your mom deserves your trust and without making a long road to medical school, specialization in this field, our neophyte ruling is erroneous. You come there to talk to the doctor or nurse navigator for more information. That's important.
Well, I wanted to respond quickly, because this issue is important. Remember, I'm not a doctor, Medical Advisor or another. But this question is exactly a situation I had. The doctor is a delicate challenge: to attack strong enough to destroy cancer cells, treated gently to preserve the maximum healthy tissue and organs.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Verruca Plana Off Shelf

The calm ...

past month, my health, at least apparently, has undoubtedly improved, although I know it's the same as before, that cancer is still there, yet many people thought caring for me, "pros" so have seen a real improvement, measurable: I took a little weight + .2 kg, mobility, agility is better oxygenation of the blood is excellent The stethoscope says it's better in the lungs. And myself, I feel the concrete effects of this lull. Less fatigue, faster pace, stamina between two rest, etc.. It's incredible, The pitfall is that one is tempted to believe a little, even if we argue. What is strange is that when things go wrong, or that it hurts, we do not imagine that this could go back, we are convinced that it can be argued that in a sense, as the clock. Well this is wrong and I've seen several times. It is a respite, of course, that we do not know the duration, and the sores would resurface, but it's so amazing to receive such a period, even if it was only some weeks, it would well worth it. You see, that makes four Christmas my end of the world has announced (J. Mineraud), yet it is still not an appointment. I divided the year into four quarters in early 2010, my first quarter as fixing the lens etc. .. and it is not far from the finish this year. So many people have contacted me, even more recently are this world by now. Our friend flutist who was diagnosed just a year ago with breast cancer in stage 1 is being spirited to end his life in hospital with meta brain and bone. On December 26, 2006, we went home to tell him my maladie.Elle was made in spring, then chemo and radio. Lightning in less than a year. Scary. A few weeks ago, she said, "You know, Denis, I go before you." I could not believe it really. But today, I think for her, there will be more significant decline of his illness. And I think there is something wrong with this logic there.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ringworm From My Horse

Two books to help you accompany a sick relative

Two interesting books on the subject, which guide us through this whole process is often complex.
Living with a relative seriously ill book version. T Raversi serious illness as a person who accompanies Dr. Yves Quenneville, and Dr. Natasha Dufour, Psychiatric Oncology at CHUM
Living with a seriously ill close , in digital would be a good starting point. I feel through my correspondence, meetings waiting rooms, discussions with staff, it could reduce the fear of speech, the law of silence, the difficulty to be exchanged between family members on these topics often unknown.

Together in illness of a close , Dr. Christophe Faure in PDF or in print.
Personally, I would recommend them, they both bring a lot of information and can see a little clearer, organize and perhaps to anticipate a little.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why My Daughter Has Discharge At 15


Death, by Richard Beliveau and Denis Gingras

death is the first book of its kind to appear in QUEBEC.
The book explains the biological processes associated with death, the different causes of death, and describes designs of historical, cultural and spiritual death. He methodically explores the biology and the limits of life, the rituals of death and fears associated with it and describes the events surrounding the loss of life.

The book is lavishly illustrated with photographs of masterpieces of art, paintings and sculptures with various representations of death. Its content is medical and scientific, yet it raises questions of cultural and philosophical. It is liberally sprinkled with funny quotes about death and iconoclastic, favoring a rapprochement with the great thinkers and writers and putting into perspective our visceral fears.

first book to offer such a reflection on the philosophical and scientific understanding (or transcendent) of death, it is to transform us in our deepest humanity, allowing us to better appreciate life.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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Even better! A

Since early September, and especially for Christmas, we decided to switch to silver hooks for earrings and rings!

The price? Increases slightly: the earrings of 2 € and the rings of 3 €.

Quality? There will be no problem of allergy to the vast majority of "followers" Flower Nomad and the hooks will age better with time!

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Deposit Gujan Mestras!

Hello, unfortunately this disposal site closes ... the Jewelry Fleur Mobile are no longer available there. I wish every energy to this mother for her family life! ;) The

it was a moment that is thought to be deposited on the basin and "The Time Moms" contacted us to make a deposit into their lovely home in Gujan! A surprising discovery in a really very nice. I invite you to discover this cozy place where moms are the queens of the house!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Convert A Dog House To A Rabbit Cage

Happy Halloween

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Congratulation Messages For Church Anniversary