Early in the film, when our patience and hope are still pumped up, we say that this story of father (Ruffalo) whose arrival disrupts the lives of a small family homoparental (Julianne Moore Annette Bening and their two teenagers) will perhaps give something funny, surprising, original, funny. Not at all what the hell! Everything is sewn with white thread, and nothing ever happens! Nothing! Nay! Sure, the couple of lesbians is fairly credible, which is not bad in a film Rican shit and which also earned Oscar nomination for Annette Bening this year. Certainly (in trivia the devil), the daughter of Steven Spielberg has a small role in this film. But other than that ... Other than that! We find many of the usual tics course movies "indie", which of course the omnipresent music with, in mind, David Bowie, definitely very popular in these films, but also things like Deerhoof latest, Fever Ray, Tame Impala. Anyone can, as usual, fun to take this film to a blind-long test of half past one. Where it gets boring is when these references are more direct, including a dinner scene where Annette Bening tetanic Mark Ruffalo and repeat in chorus Joni Mitchell. "No how pinkeuzoïde Ow, if you gafftasste Some Some grododendron, ye . If you sent this scene, you can safely assume that you have survived what must be one of worst movies of last year. At Ease!

Moreover, about scene "meal" should be also know that this film is particularly stuffed. That must be a record. Unheard of! We see the protagonists constantly eat their food disgusting while exchanging banalities confounding. Gotta be six scenes "meals" and God knows it's unbearable to see all these actors who pretend to chew and return their tongues in their mouths the same way. It really wonder if they have already eaten one day to realize that it does not happen like that and we certainly do not like it when you eat ... And shit, we do not eat your mouth open! My cousins I still do, and it is a Tragedy eat in front of them since that time. See it in this film reminds me of those terrible moments. There's also this terrible film two or three scenes so-called "brushing teeth" and, as usual, no toothpaste, but the characters are still pretending to spit their phlegm in the sink at the end. I do not know about you, but I deal with this sad spectacle, I see in infra-red! Obviously, we would not pay attention to these details if there was also some interesting things on the screen. But as it happens almost nothing, we are surprised to get a ball for the atrocities we have seen, and suffered a thousand times elsewhere. This film, which wants to be very deep, no better than any episode of Desperate Housewives we have extended by one hour.

Besides being a great big pile of manure, The Kids Are All Right also ends fairly hideous advocating a morality sadly doubtful. Basically: a family must necessarily remain curled up on itself to survive. Mark Ruffalo is therefore kindly requested to visit Moreover, while everyone was really attached to him yet, so that everyone could taste her irresistible juggernaut of the Latin Middle West. Finally, how about this film without mentioning the terrible plan on prawns wilted Julianne Moore? The most famous Hollywood actresses redheads here loses what little sex appeal that was left on the edge of his 70 brushes, and she'll probably hang like a millstone terrible image the rest of his career. An image that is not ready to leave me. If you follow me well so far, you have guessed that Julianne Moore embodies a lesbian. However, it is well known: lesbians do not watch their body is totally negligent, dress like rags and do not pluck. QED Josée Dayan! This seems to be a fact, but it's still surprising that a lesbian (Cholodenko) prepare such a portrait of his own camp. She shoots himself in the foot, either. Lisa "2 IQ" Chodolenko when epilating does not putrefy our legs literally and inevitably become a purplish color, while repugnant and overlapping black hair, something even more surprising in a Pure redhead like Roger Moore. Frankly, this is one of the ugliest things I've seen in my life.
Indie Film forces, was also entitled to some fairly explicit sex scenes between Mark Ruffalo and Michael Moore, where the two actors seem to literally "take their feet" for Julianne purplish, hairy kinky Marco . At the very beginning of the film, Moore also administer one guesses what is commonly called a "cuni lingus" to Annette Bening who wanted nothing so much and who still seemed to be ignoring a "Juicy Lucy" first class. After 20 years together, it is breathtaking about the love that will bring these two characters can not knowing that one has purple legs and the other is the "glorious rain" as soon as we tickle a little. Given all that, we rejoice necessarily be in a movie "indie" Rican. It's crazy what they dare to do, show, suggest. I who have subscribed to BangBros, ForcedBabySitters Spankwire and I could not believe my peepers. You bet ... Die Lisa Cholololenko, returns to play tennis! You and your two ideas, you can even do a double!

I will end my review with a little trivia from his store, noting that it is rather ironic that Annette Bening plays a lezbdo she is actually married to the biggest "serial Fucksters" of Hollywood in the person of Warren Beatty. Warren Beatty, the actor who says terrible round of interviews he has degummed over 3,000 women and children throughout his life, and counting . Chilling ...
All is well, The Kids Are All Right Lisa Cholodenko with Annette Bening, Julianne Moore and Mark Ruffalo (2010)