Monday, October 26, 2009

How Much Does Alcohol Poisoning Cost

Zoe ... October 2009 ... I was 6 months old today!

Hello everyone,

I take these few days Holiday to give you my new ... especially, I remind you, click on my picture to access my album especially since Dad is usually pictures as articles right now! In

me all goes well, the pediatrician is pleased with me, I grew up well (6.6 kg 66cm) and now I get to eat more and more things.
Now I mix my yogurt sauces, I have the right to sample all the vegetables and I'll start the meat in the week ... for now Mom & Dad are happy because I'm not difficult, it must say that I only eat mashed potatoes and stewed house, no pots on the horizon!

Otherwise now I'm sad to go to auntie, I know Mom or Dad come looking for me and I am no longer obligated to them to celebrate their return!

every day I discover new features: I roll back on his stomach, I made noises (see video!) with my mouth to make real discussion as Dad & Mom, I'm coming to slam on my tongue and my palate like that I send bisouxxx!

It is not nice my dad in this picture?!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How Do I Make My Baja Go Kart Go Faster

Anouchka Gallery Staircase-Rennes

Exhibition anouchkapotdevin
/ / Gallery of Stairs (MTL area), Rennes / /
/ / October 13 to November 9, 2009 / /
"Constraint time constraint means. I like working under those conditions where one thinks and acts in which one yet. It's very clear
what happened to this exhibition at the Galerie de l'Escalier.
I tell you quickly:
September. Christèle my intention to exhibit: Mid-October or January?
Well, I told you it was fast.
Obviously I did not want to move the pieces I had already made. It's still funnier and more challenging to present work "nine". And even if the furniture here this is an exception (this is true, it was shown once), it translates well, like my creations, my obsession with the accumulation of mass to reach the singularity.
Always. Compulsion. "
anouch.crea @

Compulsion. The essence of the process of creating anouchkapotdevin, designer craftsman.
The essence of his work. The essence of the character. In the workshop
Gael, there are objects, like so many materials. Massed and China. Collected with passion and frenzy. If she takes it, that they will become in the hands of Anouchka? Reconsidered once, what other life? Assembled, assembled, welded, they are painting, furniture, jewelry. It shows that it is capable of both, mixing in its know-how to craft the fundamental qualities of the designer.
While not a definitive answer to the question that torments me - which is Anouk? - Is here in this exhibition shifted, original, personal.
Christèle Fournier

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Baby, Funny Messages

Our shop online! PRIVATE SALE

We are pleased to announce the arrival of our Internet store! It's a start, we will have many more models to offer thereafter. Already, the classics are present as a pendant or pink bougainvillea. Fans of the gold button will be patient, it is becoming scarce in our forests ... Waiting for spring, it remains available on our stall for the Christmas markets.
soon and visit!

Adeline and Alban